What is Health Response Testing (HRT)?

Health Response Testing (HRT) is one of the many services offered at Healthy Life Chiropractic to help our patients achieve a healthy lifestyle. So, what exactly is Health Response Testing, and how can it benefit you? Learn how HRT and whole food supplements can help your overall health and wellness.

What Is HRT?

The Health Response Testing (HRT) technique relies on the belief that energy flows throughout the body. It is a method of measuring how well the nervous system (your energy flow) functions. The nervous system controls every organ in the human body. When patients followed their customized nutritional program based on a health response test, they found that the illness and discomfort they were experiencing decreased in severity.

How Health Response Testing Benefits You

Many of our patients report better alertness throughout the day, improved sleep, and more energy after starting the program. Those who closely follow their recommended nutritional program with their whole food supplements usually recover the fastest. Chronic conditions don't typically occur overnight but rather evolve. It's also the same for recovery. You will see quicker results if you closely follow your program. It is unlikely to improve your condition if you keep old habits and routines that contribute to your current condition. To achieve the best health and wellness results, you must fully commit. We will monitor your progress and recovery process throughout your treatment program to make adjustments as needed so you can receive the maximum health benefits while treating the underlying health problems.

The Different Types of HRT

Health Response Testing can benefit people of all ages and stages in life, including children and pregnant women. The principles of HRT are primarily the same for children as for adults. Growing bodies require whole food supplements at different times and amounts than adults. Following a recommended program can increase focus, reduce hyperactivity, and improve digestion in children. During pregnancy, HRT can help pregnant women identify dietary aversions and deficiencies. Proper nutrition during this crucial development period cannot be overstated, and HRT can make a significant difference.

Visit Your Local Newnan, GA Chiropractor

Our mission at Healthy Life Chiropractic is to provide the best health and wellness care to the Newnan community. Click here to contact us if you want to learn more about what HRT is and how whole food supplements can benefit you.