Healthy Life Chiropractic Adjustment Techniques

All chiropractic adjustments are designed to correct spinal misalignments, or subluxations. When left unattended, spinal misalignments can lead to degeneration. Learn more about the variety of techniques available to help get your nervous system functioning as intended.


Activator Adjustment Technique: The activator technique uses an instrument called an Activator, a small, hand-held tool, to apply a quick pulse in order to correct the misalignment in the spine. The Activator method acts as an alternative to the traditional, manual adjustments associated with chiropractic. 

Extremity/ TMJ Adjustment Technique: The chiropractic approach that works so well with the spine can be applied to other joints of the body. Virtually every joint in your skeletal system can become misaligned or become “stuck”.  This can impair function and range of motion.  Our chiropractors are skilled in examining and adjusting shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, feet, and even the jaw.

Stress, teeth grinding, trauma, and spinal problems can cause TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain and disorders where your jaw connects to your skull.  Our skilled chiropractic care can restore proper nervous system control of involved muscles and ligaments, reducing pain, stiffness, clicking sounds or locked jaw.


Full Spine/Diversified Chiropractic Adjustment Technique: The diversified/full-spine technique is the most common technique used by general practice chiropractors. This technique may actually utilize more than one method, but will always involved spinal adjustment. This technique does not focus on only one area of the body, but instead, refers to a non-specific adjustment of the entire spine.

Sacro-Occipital Adjustment Technique: Sacro-occipital technique (SOT) is a method of normalizing the relationship between the foundation of the spine and the top of the spine. This occurs by having the patient lay on 'blocks' to correct the miss-alignment in the spine.

Thompson Adjustment Technique: Thompson technique is a specific technique for adjustment of the full spine on a special table which has a slight drop in the cushions in order to absorb the force of the adjustment to improve its effectiveness.

Toggle-Recoil Adjustment Technique: Toggle Recoil technique is a specific type of adjustment for the upper cervical spine, which includes placing the patient on their side.

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