What is Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser, or low level laser, is a therapy that uses low-level lasers to alter cellular function. Non-thermal photons of light penetrate the skin to reach the targeted area. It is absorbed and interacts with the light sensitive elements in the cell that initiates a series of events in the cells that result in reduced inflammation, normalization of damaged or injured tissues, and increased intracellular metabolism-which reduces healing time.
Cold laser is used to relieve pain for a wide variety of ailments that include:
Soft tissue injuries
Sports injuries
Muscle strain
Acute and chronic pain
Ligament strains
And many more
Frozen shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
The therapy is also pain free, drug free, and non-addictive, as opposed to most of the leading treatments, and is performed right in our office. Patients can use cold laser in conjunction with all of our other therapies, and generally are recommended to do so. This therapy only lasts between 10 and 15 minutes each time, which makes it convenient, as well.
Cold laser therapy has numerous benefits, as a therapy it:
Is safe
Is non-invasive
Is non-toxic
Reduces the need for surgery
Is cost effective
Not only does it offer many advantages over alternative forms of treatment, cold laser is also a very versatile therapy. Not only does it provide increased circulation to the targeted area, promoting natural healing, but it also reduces inflammation and breaks up scar tissue. Patients find that cold laser therapy decreases healing time and severity of injuries. It is provides pain relief for over 300 issues. The greatest benefit of cold laser therapy is the opportunity to feel better, faster.
"Very pleased with the practice. The service is excellent and everyone seems to truly care about you as a person first. Most businesses see customers or money walking in, but these practitioners love what they do. It shows."
- Patty Uzar