Bill Esteb's "Morning Motivation"

Happiness is choice. Since you know the truth about health, you should be the happiest person patient's encounter. It's risky surrendering your happiness to circumstances. Yet, many of us do. Which can reduce happiness to one of those exceedingly-rare-winning-the-lottery-predicting-the-future kinds of experiences. In other words we don't enjoy the frequency of happy episodes we deserve.

Dr. Dyer "Being Peace"

You can become an instrument of peace in any given moment of your life by deciding that you are not going to use your mind for anything other than peaceful thoughts. This may sound extreme to you when you take into consideration all the difficult people you have to deal with, your financial picture, the illness of a close relative, the inconsiderate boss you must face, the taxes you owe, as well as outrageous traffic delays, and on and on.

"Just Say No To Turmoil" by Dr. Dyer

I am often asked, “How do I know whether it is my ego or my higher spirit beckoning me at any given moment in life?” At any given moment, you are choosing between two pictures or evaluations of yourself. Your choices include the one offered by your soul, or higher self, which I think of as the voice of God, and the one offered by the ego, or your false idea of yourself.

Dr. Larry's "Energetic Sweeping"

Sweeping your porch each day is regarded as an important cleansing ritual that prepares your home for new energy.  In some of our lives, sweeping has become an activity performed without much thought. In many cases, sweeping is a lost art, replaced by the noisy, efficient vacuum cleaner. But in several cultures and religions, sweeping the front and back porch every morning is regarded as an important cleansing ritual that prepares the ground for new energy on every level—physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally.

Dr. Wayne Dyer's "Let Us Bring Light"

This month you’ll have the opportunity to read a mother’s story that will both break your heart and lift it up with love. Scarlett Lewis’s book Nurturing Healing Love is not a story of rage and revenge as one could well understand in the face of such a horrific experience as the one that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School where Scarlett’s little boy Jesse was senselessly murdered.

Courtney Dunlop's "Beauty Secrets From the Caribbean"

A small but growing number of Caribbean beauticians, scientists and entrepreneurs are pioneering a movement to bring awareness back to the many natural treasures that the region abounds with. They are hoping to shed light on the cornucopia of plants, leaves, fruits and flowers of the islands that, although a staple part of health and wellness in the past, has fallen out of favor with younger generations.

Courtney Dunlop's "Crazy About Coconuts"

This week we have a brief article about the benefits of coconut oil and some great uses for it!

Crazy About Coconuts

by Courtney Dunlop

Coconuts and organic coconut oil

If you’re going to choose just one product to add to your beauty arsenal this spring, coconut oil might be your best bet. Coconut’s chemical compounds make this natural ingredient a powerful tool to solve a whole handful of skin issues, including dryness, acne and sun damage.

Virgin coconut oil contains fatty acids, so it’s compatible with our skin barrier and therefore killer at preventing moisture loss. Its moisturizing abilities make it a great conditioner, lip balm, cuticle oil and shaving oil. In addition, the fatty acids help repair skin cells, counteracting damage done by aging and sun exposure. Coconuts are also packed with growth factors, such as kinetin, a plant hormone that promotes cell division and slows skin-cell aging. Basically, this powerful oil can help keep your hair and skin looking healthy and young (Score!).

Bonus use? Coconut oil makes a great makeup remover – the oil breaks down and dissolves stubborn makeup and sunscreen. Seems like there isn’t much this skin-saver can’t do.