What's the Cause of your Back Pain?

You've probably experienced this scenario before: you're just doing you day-to-day activities, and in an instant, you are experiencing back pain. You most likely thought to yourself, "But I didn't even do anything!". 

What you don't realize is that your back pain isn't always from what you did five days ago, let alone five minutes ago. It's more in line with the old idiom "the straw that broke the camel's back"...no pun intended! 

Time to Talk Germs!

In today's society, there is often a negative association with germs, and a number of people are afraid of them. Germs have received plenty of focus since around the time the microscope was invented. But germs are actually similar to seeds. If you have ever done any gardening, you know that it takes work to plant a garden or start a lawn. It doesn't just happen! Not only do you have to consider the conditions, but also that the process takes a time period of days or weeks. The very same thing can be said in relation to germs and the development of disease. 

Tips to Soothe your Sciatic Pain

If you are suffering from sciatic pain, you will often hear chiropractic care as a top suggestion to find relief. Unlike medication or complicated surgeries, chiropractic effectively helps soothe sciatic symptoms, all while avoiding uncomfortable side effects. Keep in mind that if you're going to commit to something, you may as well do it right, and that usually requires time. Repair, relief, and healing don't just happen overnight. Because chiropractic visits can help you find relief over time, we've put together some suggestions to help you find more immediate relief.

The Under-Appreciated Cervical Spine

With so many parts to the human body, it's easy for some of them to slip beneath the radar. The cervical spine, or the upper seven of our vertebrae, is among the most under-appreciated and also most vital parts of our body. The cervical spine has 37 separate joints that allow the head and neck to move atop the torso – all while following a constant stream of commands from the reflex mechanisms and special senses.

Pregnant? Time for Chiropractic!

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting time's in a mother's life. But between caring for yourself, your growing baby, and keeping track of doctor's appointments, chiropractic sometimes is forgotten. But chiropractic care can be a great help to pregnant mothers and the changes they are experiencing, as well as helping to prepare for their upcoming delivery. Here's why we suggest chiropractic care for pregnant women.

Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care

At Healthy Life Chiropractic, we often often combine chiropractic care and massage therapy to maximize the benefits that our patients receive. When developing your treatment plan, we will decide what options are best for you based upon your symptoms and diagnosis. We put together some information about how and why we combine massage therapy and chiropractic care.

Which Yoga Style is the Best Fit for You?

Stretching is an important part of chiropractic, and I regularly recommend various stretches to my patients. Stretches help relieve tension and pain in problem areas, and I am often asked if yoga can help. The answer is yes, depending on the patient's condition, of course. It can be as simple as popping into your local yoga studio, but I want to take a moment to point you in the right direction by educating you on the top seven yoga styles. Because some styles are better for beginners, while others work well for certain conditions, it is important to learn more about this ever-growing practice. 


Are You Making Sleep a Priority?

We've all been there...exhausted in the morning, but then come night time, there seems to be too much to do to go to bed at a reasonable hour! With the ever-growing to-do list, social obligations, and work responsibilities, sleep sometimes gets the short end of the stick. Here are a few suggestions to help ensure you are getting the sleep you need to stay energized and healthy.

How to Stay Healthy!

It seems as though we are hearing the term "health care" more than ever before, particularly in the news. Usually, what is being referred to is "sick" care, which is care that is given  when one already has an injury or symptoms of an illness. "Health care” is what often refers to the grand efforts we see in the media and on TV to save a person’s life using drastic surgery or medication.

Chiropractic for Muscle Spasms

Have you ever strained to reach something up high, or bent down low to pick something up off the ground, and all of a sudden it feels as if your whole back has wrenched up due to a muscle spasm? We feel your pain! You were simply trying get something just out of reach, and now you feel like you can't even move. How can such a simple task result in such excruciating pain?

Curb Your Sugar Cravings

As you work towards a healthier you in 2018, perhaps the most important area to focus on is your eating habits. One great way to do this is to cut sugar out of your diet. Typically, women tend to have more of a sweet tooth than men, which is due to the female hormone estradiol. Sugar cravings can also be because of overloaded adrenal glands, a yeast infection, an underactive thyroid gland, or an imbalance of bacteria in the body. So, what steps can you take to curb your sugar cravings?

Is Your Posture Affecting Your Mood?

Do you check the way you are sitting or standing during the course of the day? Are you making sure your weight is evenly distributed, or are you leaning more weight on one leg? You might not realize just how much your posture affects you, especially when it comes to your mood. A number of studies have shown that good posture can directly affect your mood in a positive way, and eliminate stress.

Chiropractic and Combating Colds

When the cold weather comes, that usually means a cold does, too! You chalk it up to being exposed to a lot of germs during holiday travel and parties. But in reality, the cold virus is always out there. If your immune system is healthy and functioning properly, your body will defend itself and fight the virus off before you even know you've been exposed to it.

Tips to Avoid Back Pain During Holiday Travel

The holiday season has just begin, meaning many of us are preparing for holiday travel to visit family and friends. While we can't wait to see our loved ones, the stress and strains of travel are not something to look forward to. Traveling is only worse for those already suffering from back and neck pain, and holiday travel can be a particularly stressful and painful time. We’ve put together some tips on how to minimize that pain.

Balance Begins with Your Feet

As chiropractors, we are often asked about pain in the neck and back. These issues relate to the spine, but most people fail to realize the importance of the feet in relation to the spine. You walk, sit, run, stand, all throughout the day. Sometimes you wear shoes that don't quite fit, or are brutal on your feet, and then wonder why you suffer from back pain. Give your feet the love and appreciation you deserve! Here's what you need to know.