Chiropractic Care for First Time Fathers

If you’re a new dad looking forward to celebrating your first Father’s Day, these tips are for you! You probably feel a combination of pure joy, fear, sleep deprivation, and just about every other emotion all mixed into one. We’re sure you’ve heard plenty of advice, but one piece we find most parents don’t follow is to make sure they take care of their own health, too. With a new baby to worry about, it’s easy to push your needs to the side. One thing that is often overlooked is the health of your back. Hauling heavy carriers, bending over to pick up baby, and many new movements mean your back needs a little extra TLC. Here are our tips to help new dads have a healthy spine for Father’s Day (hint: moms can benefit from these, too!).


Getting quality, restful sleep may be hard to do for a while, but make sure you sleep when you can. When you don’t get the sleep you need, your whole body suffers – even your muscles. When your muscles weaken and are tired, your lower back ends up going into overdrive to pick up the slack which can lead to pain and even long-term injury.

LifT With Your Legs

We know you’ve heard you should lift with your legs, not with your back when it comes to heavy objects like boxes and furniture, but your little baby is going to grow…and fast. To protect your back for the long haul, start lifting properly now.

Try to avoid stooping over at your wait and bend at your knees instead. This holds true for changing diapers, too! Use a surface that keeps you from staying bent over. It might not seem like a lot now, but after a few thousand diaper changes, it sure will.

Get Adjusted

Raising kids is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs in the world. Make things a little bit easier on yourself with chiropractic care. Regular chiropractic adjustments will keep your back properly aligned. Our experienced chiropractors excel at using spinal adjustments to align the vertebrae of the spine, which treats injury and relieves pain. Misalignments in the joints and spine can cause a variety of issues, and as new parents, you just don’t have time for that! Regular chiropractic care can help you maintain better health so you can keep up with your growing family.

To be the best parent you can, remember to take care of yourself. Get started with chiropractic care – just click here to schedule an adjustment with your local Newnan, GA chiropractors.