HRT: Health Response Testing


Have you heard of Health Response Testing? It is one of the many services available at Healthy Life Chiropractic to help promote health and wellness for all of our patients. Health Response Testing, or HRT, tests how well the nervous system is functioning. Here’s what you need to know.

What is HRT?

Health Response Testing (HRT) is based on the premise that an energy flow exists between all parts of the body. A Health Response Test is a process of testing the body's neurological reflexes to assess how that energy flow (your nervous system) is functioning, since the nervous system is responsible for regulating the body's functions for every organ. After receiving and implementing a personalized nutritional program based on your health response test, most patients find that many issues that they were experiencing decrease in severity until they are completely resolved.

Benefits of HRT 

After starting their program, many of our patients report better sleep, increased alertness throughout the day, and more energy. We often see the fastest recovery for those who have most closely followed their recommended nutritional program. 

Generally speaking, chronic issues do not suddenly happen overnight but develop over a long period of time — and the same goes for recovery. By closely following your program, you will see results more quickly. If you continue old habits and routines that contributed to your current condition, you won’t improve as you hope. Total commitment is recommended for the best results.

As you continue on your program, we will monitor your progress and recovery process to make adjustments as needed so you can attain the maximum possible health benefits while treating underlying health issues.

Types of HRT

Health Response Testing can benefit all ages and phases of life, including children and pregnant women. For children, HRT is mostly the same as it is for adults. The most significant difference is that growing bodies require different nutrients at different times and in different doses than adults. Children who follow a recommended program are more likely to have increased focus, decreased hyperactivity, and a healthy digestive system.

For pregnant women, HRT can play a vital role in identifying dietary aversions and deficiencies. During this extremely important time of development, proper nutrition is essential and HRT can help.

Request an Appointment at Your Local Newnan, GA Chiropractor

At Healthy Life Chiropractic, it is our mission to provide the best health and wellness care for the Newnan Community. If you are interested in learning more about chiropractic care or Health Response Testing, click here to contact us.