How Healthy is Your Musculoskeletal System?

This week kicks off Bone and Joint Health National Action Week, so what better time to focus on your musculoskeletal system? Musculoskeletal issues include back pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, and more. Here are our tips to help keep your musculoskeletal system in great shape!

Get Moving: Joints, muscles, and bones need movement to stay healthy. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week, such as yard work, swimming, and walking, or at least 75 minutes of intense activity like hiking uphill, jogging, or sports such as basketball.

Eat a Well-Rounded Diet: Proper nutrition is essential to your musculoskeletal health and your overall wellness. Focus on eating a balanced diet that is comprised of whole fresh foods and avoid processed foods as much as possible. You also want to be sure to get enough calcium and Vitamin D for your bones and lean protein to build and maintain strong muscles. Staying hydrated is also an important part of your diet and musculoskeletal system health. Drinking water helps strengthen muscles by carrying nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the body. It also helps cushion and lubricate joints.

Enjoy the Great Outdoors: The sun provides our body with what it needs to produce Vitamin D, which helps us better absorb calcium for stronger bones.

Practice Weight-Bearing Exercises: Walking, jogging, and resistance exercises like weightlifting can help improve bone density. Exercises like squats and planks can also strengthen core muscles. Non-weight bearing exercises like biking and swimming can also benefit the musculoskeletal system, particularly for those unable to walk or jog while recovering from hip, knee, or back pain.

Avoid Smoking & Drinking: The negative effects that smoking has on your health are numerous and include cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and bone fracture with aging. Excessive alcohol consumption can also contribute to osteoporosis and bone fracture.

Rest Up: A good night’s sleep enables our bodies to recover and recuperate from a long day. It also helps our bodies repair muscles and joints that are strained throughout the day.

Visit Your Chiropractor: Chiropractic care can help treat many musculoskeletal issues including herniated discs, tendonitis, muscle strain, and ligament sprains. Regular visits to Healthy Life Chiropractic can also promote better health throughout the entire body, including the musculoskeletal system through the use of spinal adjustments. These controlled, gentle, and effective manipulations allow for proper alignment of the spine and joints throughout the body. To learn more about how your local Newnan, GA chiropractic can help improve the health of you and your family, click here to contact us.