It's Good To Be On The Go!

With back to school in full effect, life seems busier than ever! Truth be told, most of us live busy lifestyles. Unfortunately, a lot of this business involves sitting down at a desk for extended periods of time. This can lead to tightness and chronic joint pain that will eventually keep you from doing the activities you love.

The key element of being able to do the things you love is mobility, and it is also a great way to stay healthy. Here are a few tips to improve your range of motion.

What is range of motion?

You’ve heard us use the term “range of motion” before, but do you really know what it means? It is the mobility of the joints in the body, and is measured in degrees of a circle. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and are without injury, your joints should maintain a normal range of motion, which will enable you to move freely and do the activities you love. If you have suffered from an injury, are obese, practice poor posture, live a sedentary lifestyle, or are simply aging, you may find your flexibility and range of motion are impaired.

Get moving!

Most of our patients sought out our help due to neck, back, and joint pain. With regular chiropractic care, you can maintain your health and normal range of motion. The more you move around, the better off your nervous system and spinal health will be.

Maintain your range of motion

Stretch! Stretching is great for the mind and body. It can improve your range of motion, allowing for better movement and reducing the likelihood of injury and pain. There are both active and passive stretches to improve your range of motion and they both work on strengthening your muscles and joints. Just ask during your next adjustment which stretches will best suit your needs!

Get Adjusted! Regular chiropractic care can benefit your entire body, and it keeps your joints and limbs flexible. Not only will chiropractic help with chronic ailments, but it can help restore your range of motion.

As busy as your life is, it is important that you have a healthy body that can keep up. To learn more about how chiropractic can help, click here to contact us.