Tips for Chiropractic After Care

There are some things in life you expect to last a while – especially with regular care – like your house, your car, even your laptop. But what about your body? You take your car to the mechanic when it makes a strange sound, you call your plumber when your sink has sprung a leak, and you should take yourself to the chiropractor if you want your body to function optimally. Regular chiropractic adjustments are an investment in your future, but what about after you’ve gone to the chiropractor? Practicing self-care ensures you get a return on that investment! Here are a few tips to help you take care of your body after a chiropractic adjustment to promote healing in the long run.

Stay Hydrated

Your body is mostly made up of water, and it is essential to flush away waste and help cushion joints. Water also helps carry nutrients to every cell in your body. When you receive a chiropractic adjustment, your joints and muscles are essentially being retrained. If you aren’t hydrated, then your joints can’t shift and heal as needed. Proper hydration can also help relieve symptoms of toxic release so you feel your best as quickly as possible.


We may recommend some stretches and exercises to do at home after your adjustment. It’s important to follow this advice – these exercises are to benefit you and improve your condition, so make a commitment to do them.

Avoid Injury

This one might be easier said than done, but try to avoid putting yourself in a position that could undo all the progress made with your adjustment. If you have sought out Newnan GA’s best local chiropractor due to an injury, steer clear of the activity that brought you to us in the first place. If it was due to a specific exercise or chronic back and neck pain, we will be happy to provide you with modifications and suggestions.

Rest Up

Everyday activities put stress on the body without you even realizing it. That’s why it is imperative you get adequate rest. After an adjustment, your body needs to recuperate so slow things down a notch and give your body time to recuperate. Try to avoid heavy lifting and home improvement projects, especially if you are recovering from an injury.

If you have any questions about what to do – or what not to do – after a visit at Healthy Life Chiropractic, just ask! Click here to contact us and learn more about how chiropractic can benefit you.