Holiday Travel Tips & Tricks

Who doesn’t love the joy of the holiday season? It’s a time of merriment and cheer – unless you’re traveling! We are in full swing of one of the busiest times of year to travel which can be stressful, frustrating, and hard on your health. Here are our tips and tricks to make holiday travel more manageable.

In the Air

Whether you’re hauling suitcases across the airport or lifting your luggage for storage, holiday travel puts a lot of stress on your back. If you are taking an extended trip, checking your luggage will be well worth it. Keep you carry-on light and remember to lift with your legs, not your back!

If you flight is more than an hour or so, get up and stretch your legs and walk up and down the aisles every now and then. Even those shorts walks will help restore circulation to your legs and arms. Coach seats aren’t necessarily the most comfortable, so give your legs a quick massage halfway through your flight. You can also scrunch your toes and release them to help ease tension or rock your feet back and forth from heel to toe for a little in-flight exercise.

On the Road

Whether your drive is just across town or in another state, you are sure to run into some holiday traffic once you’re o the road. Start the road trip off right with comfortable clothing. Loose clothing allows you to move freely so you can do small movements like shoulder rolls to keep you feeling limber while driving. To prevent or reduce back pain, turn the ergonomic support up on your seat or purchase a small pillow to support your low back – even a rolled-up towel will work!

Most importantly, ensure you are well-rested before driving. If you begin to feel tired, pull over to stretch, take a walk, and get a refreshment. If you feel too tired, get a hotel room for the night. Making your safety and the safety of others on the road is the most important part of a road trip!

Travel Gets Tough

No matter what mode of transportation you’re taking, travel is taxing on the body…especially during the holidays when stress levels are increased. To make matters more enjoyable, prepare your body as best you can. Join us at Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA for a chiropractic adjustment so your body is performing at its best when your travel begins. Whether you’re facing airport lines or bumper-to-bumper traffic, chiropractic can help you overcome some travel challenges. Click here to schedule your next adjustment.