Can Sugar Be Causing Adrenal Fatigue?

Have you ever wondered how sugar affects the body? Stress is a symptom of too much sugar consumption. Health-related problems caused by stress include headaches, heart disease, immune system problems, and digestive problems. Increased stress hormone production is one of the major causes of stress-related issues. Stress hormones affect your immune system, your adrenal glands, and more. The right diet will help promote optimal adrenal function. Here's what you need to know about adrenal fatigue and how health response testing (HRT) can help.

What Is Adrenal Fatigue?

The adrenal glands produce cortisol, the hormone that helps regulate blood pressure. When stressed, the adrenal glands release cortisol as a coping mechanism. Chronic stress can cause the adrenal glands to not be able to make enough cortisol to cope. As a result, adrenal gland function may be reduced, resulting in fatigue. It is important not to confuse adrenal fatigue with adrenal insufficiency, a medical condition that occurs when your adrenal glands cannot produce enough hormones.

How Does Sugar Affect the Body?

Sugar occurs naturally in many of the foods we eat, such as fruit, so it's impossible to avoid it 100 percent of the time. Sugar added to food, however, contributes to anxiety overall. Added sugars spike your blood sugar and cause a crash. Which results in your energy increasing and decreasing. Insulin is released to absorb excess glucose and control blood sugar levels, but a sugar rush is excessively taxing on the body, bringing blood sugar levels to extremes. Having large amounts of processed sugar can make you feel irritable, sad, and stressed.

Can Health Response Testing (HRT) Help? 

Health Response Testing (HRT) is a holistic approach to getting answers from your body in order to discover the underlying causes of illness. With HRT, your body's neurological reflexes are used to test a wide range of organs, glands, joints, muscles, and more to find out whether they are functioning properly. It can reliably and consistently identify your source of illness and indicate nutritional deficiencies by reading your body's response. Correcting these underlying causes of ill health through natural, safe nutritional means can allow the body to restore itself and maintain more optimal health. Having healthy whole foods is important for balancing blood sugar, managing stress levels, and assuring the adrenal glands receive all the nutrients they need to function properly. Nutritionism is not just about changing the diet to high-quality food; it also means supporting your diet with whole food supplements. Such supplements offer organic substances that help restore your body that may be hard to fit into your regular diet.

Visit a Chiropractor

Chiropractic care can address chronic stress that impacts your adrenal glands. With spinal adjustments, your body can be returned to a balanced state, where uneven pressure has been reduced or eliminated. Adjustments can improve blood circulation, which in turn can help reduce your overall stress levels. Healthy Life Chiropractic can help you improve the function of your nervous system. Contact us, your local Newnan chiropractors, today!