Improve Your Sleep Habits With HRT

It's just as important to get a good night's sleep as exercising regularly and eating healthily. Sleep deprivation adversely affects hormones, exercise performance, and brain function. Unfortunately, the quality and quantity of sleep that people are getting has declined in recent decades. As a result, a majority of people suffer from poor sleep regularly. In addition, our fast-paced lives can make it challenging to improve sleep habits. Here are a few sleep supplements that are the best natural sleep aids.

Improve Your Sleep Habits Using These Supplements for Sleep:

Kava Forte

In Kava Forte, Kava root is extracted with 100% water. By working together, the compounds in Kava Forte, particularly the kavalactones, relax the nerves and ease temporary tension and stress, promote relaxation and sleep, and support muscle relaxation. Kavalactones are compounds with sedative properties. The kavalactones in kava may be responsible for their sleep-promoting effects.

Valerian Complex

Valerian Complex contains Valerian root, passion flower and jujube seed, all of which promote sleep and relaxation. Traditionally, these herbs were used in herbal preparations to ease temporary stress, promote relaxation, and relieve mild nervous tension.


The mineral complexes in Min-Tran help to maintain emotional balance. Min-Tran is designed to support a healthy nervous system, maintain emotional balance, ease the effects of temporary stress, and support neurotransmitters' actions that regulate mood. When stress is relieved, your brain and body can relax easier to get a better night's sleep.

E-Z Mg

E-Z Mg is a multiform organic magnesium (Mg) supplement developed to assist poor dietary magnesium intake. Magnesium is essential for the health of the central nervous system, yet it also supports brain homeostasis through its role in sleep pathways.

Healthy Life Chiropractic Can Provide the Best Natural Sleep Aid

Combining chiropractic with supplements for sleep may provide you with a well-rounded treatment plan to improve your sleep habits. Healthy Life Chiropractic is dedicated to providing the best health and wellness care to the Newnan community. Contact us to learn more about how whole food supplements paired with chiropractic can benefit your sleep.