What is Kennedy Decompression?

You likely know how debilitating back pain can be if you've ever suffered from it. Unfortunately, millions of Americans suffer from chronic back pain, and many of the solutions they have require prescription drugs or surgery. Kennedy Decompression is a non-surgical option for neck and back pain. Explore what spinal decompression therapy is and what it can do for you.

What Is Kennedy Decompression Therapy?

Kennedy Decompression Therapy is a traction-based, non-surgical treatment for disabling back, neck, leg, and arm pain. Decompression therapy can effectively relieve disc herniation, degenerative discs, posterior facet syndromes, and other spinal problems. This helps reduce pressure on spinal discs and facet joints through distraction and positioning created by decompression. When spinal decompression therapy is used correctly, it enhances the healing process. In addition, it provides immediate, amazing pain relief, allowing patients to return to a more active lifestyle as quickly as possible. The procedure was developed by prominent doctors, engineers, and technicians at major teaching hospitals.

Is Kennedy Decompression Therapy Right for You?

There has been significant success with Kennedy Decompression Therapy in treating bulging, herniated, degenerated, and ruptured discs, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and many failed back surgery cases. A treatment like this helps patients avoid anesthesia, surgical complications, and back surgery. The first few sessions of Decompression Therapy are usually scheduled three to four times per week. Sessions typically last for 8 to 12 minutes. To relax muscles and promote further tissue healing, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, or a therapeutic laser may be used during each treatment session. After your doctor has treated you, you may be prescribed specific exercises to help you regain maximum control over your stabilization muscles, which can help create long-term benefits.

We are proud to offer non-surgical spinal decompression therapy at Healthy Life Chiropractic, so make an appointment with your local Newnan, GA. chiropractor!! Let us show you how Kennedy Decompression Therapy could make a big difference to your overall health and wellness.