What Causes Emotional Stress?

This time of year, stress can seem all the more common. The change in weather may kick off seasonal depressive affective disorder or bouts of winter depression, which make it hard to stay motivated and engaged. Emotional stress isn’t limited to any single season, however—and knowing the causes of stress will help you be better prepared to combat it. 

What is Emotional Stress? 

Emotional stress is what you feel when you experience changes in mood. Feelings of anxiousness, sadness, and anger are all common examples of emotional stress. They’re common because we all experience emotional stress in some form or fashion. It’s a part of life, and it’s something that we can take steps to manage when it gets to be too much. 

The symptoms of emotional stress can manifest in a variety of ways. Among the most typical are feeling overwhelmed, trouble concentrating or focusing, and amplified emotional responses. You can also feel stress physically—upset stomach, fatigue, and chest pain can all stem from stress. Stress can even cause aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, and back, which can be directly relieved by chiropractic massage

What Causes Emotional Stress? 

Stress can be caused by outside stimuli, creating a chemical reaction in the body that leads to physical and emotional symptoms. Causes of emotional stress can include trouble at home or work, money problems, health concerns and injuries, and societal issues. Anything that weighs heavily on your mind or heart can cause emotional stress—even positive changes like getting married or moving to a new home. 

Seasonal affective disorder, which is tied to the change of seasons, can also amplify emotional stress symptoms. Winter depression can be particularly hard to deal with due to the time change, which can affect your daily routine and sleep schedule. If you suffer from SAD, you may be dealing with more stress than usual through the holidays and heading into spring. 

Combat Emotional Stress with Healthy Life Chiropractic

While emotional stress can be hard to avoid, you can take steps to manage it. Meditating, self-care, and talking to a mental health professional are all ways to get your feelings of stress in check. Chiropractic adjustments and massage can also be a big help. Schedule an appointment with Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA, and learn more about how we can help you feel happier and healthier.