Chiropractic Tips for Back to School

Summer is drawing to a close, and it's time to return to school. The beginning of a new school year can be stressful for students, like meeting new teachers, being exposed to germs, and even carrying heavy backpacks. So as we begin the new school year, follow our chiropractic tips and visit your local family chiropractor to help your child avoid backpack back pain.

Get Your Groove On With HRT & Chiro!

Health Response Testing (HRT) detects underlying health issues by testing your body's reflexes. We can then tailor a nutrition program to meet your needs based on that assessment. One of the more surprising uses of Health Response Testing is it can be used to boost men's sexual performance. As men age, they may experience reduced sexual performance. Find out how HRT and chiropractic can improve sexual stamina and erectile dysfunction.

HRT for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a complex disorder characterized by extreme fatigue with no identifiable cause. It was not until a few years ago that this disorder was recognized as an actual medical condition because of how difficult it is to assess its symptoms. An individual struggling with this disorder may sleep and rest properly but still feels exhausted and overwhelmed. Are you struggling with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Check out our favorite natural energy supplements that help soothe the symptoms of chronic fatigue!

Shoulder and Neck Massage Benefits

We subconsciously stress our bodies throughout our daily routines. We can cause muscle tension and tightness in our neck and shoulders by doing the simplest things, like signing a check, clicking the mouse, driving or even talking on our mobile phones. The goal of a shoulder and neck massage is to provide tension relief. Discover the benefits of massage therapy that extend beyond relaxation.

Multi Radiance Cold Laser Therapy

Chiropractic health is in the midst of a golden age! At Healthy Life Chiropractic, we understand that you may be concerned about how natural some medical treatments might be, so we do all the research for you and recommend the most effective treatment for your specific needs. For example, we are proud to offer Multi Radiance Cold Laser Therapy. Find out if low-level laser therapy is right for you.

Reducing Stress Response With Massage

Despite its appearance as a mental state, stress is a physical state that affects our lives in many ways. In stressful situations, your body reacts and protects you. For example, although not a physical threat, stress at work or being stuck in traffic activates your sympathetic nervous system, gearing up for "fight or flight". To understand how stress affects your body, you must first know what stress does physically and how using massage for stress relief helps reduce your stress response.

Chiropractic for Tension Headaches

At some point in their lives, everyone has experienced a headache. There is no denying that headaches are extremely common. Tension headaches are a type of headache that many people suffer from regularly. Stress or physical tension along the spine causes these headaches. If you suffer from headaches, discover how you can use chiropractic for headache relief.

What is Kennedy Decompression?

You likely know how debilitating back pain can be if you've ever suffered from it. Unfortunately, millions of Americans suffer from chronic back pain, and many of the solutions they have require prescription drugs or surgery. Kennedy Decompression is a non-surgical option for neck and back pain. Explore what spinal decompression therapy is and what it can do for you.

Improve Your Sleep Habits With HRT

It's just as important to get a good night's sleep as exercising regularly and eating healthily. Sleep deprivation adversely affects hormones, exercise performance, and brain function. Unfortunately, the quality and quantity of sleep that people are getting has declined in recent decades. As a result, a majority of people suffer from poor sleep regularly. In addition, our fast-paced lives can make it challenging to improve sleep habits. Here are a few sleep supplements that are the best natural sleep aids.

Massage Therapy as a Relaxation Tool

It has been a highly stressful couple of years for almost everyone. Times have been challenging, whether switching to and from a virtual school, working from home, or just trying to get by during a pandemic! Fortunately, we offer massage therapy, which is an excellent tool for relieving stress. Discover how you can take a moment to relax by using massage for stress relief.