Late fall and winter are always challenging times for staying healthy—and especially so in recent years. The common cold is still a common threat, and it can take you out of the game over the holidays. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can give your immune system the extra boost you need to make it through cold season unscathed.
Beat the Time Change with HRT
Are you feeling more tired today? Struggling with sleep the past few nights? It could be the after-effects of the recent time change. When the clocks move forward or backward, it can throw your sleep schedule into chaos and make energy hard to come by. But with Health Response Testing, Healthy Life Chiropractic can help you get the restful sleep you need to succeed.
Benefits of Massage for Cold Season
Fall and winter can be a whirlwind between holidays, vacation planning, and keeping up to date on your day-to-day responsibilities. Wearing yourself down and stretching yourself thin is never ideal, and it’s even less so during cold season. Relieving pent-up stress and getting extra immune system support are among the many benefits of massage, making it a secret weapon in your fight against the common cold.
Trick-or-Treat and Chiropractic Care
Heading out with the family for a night of trick-or-treating? After the candy is doled out and the costumes come off, you might find yourself haunted by lingering aches and pains from all that walking. But chiropractic care can make trick-or-treat time less frightening by relieving and preventing pain.
What are the Benefits of Orthotics?
Halloween and trick-or-treating are right around the corner, and that can mean a lot of walking. If you have existing foot issues or simply want to enjoy your Beggars Night as much as possible, custom orthotics can help provide better comfort and less pain. The benefits of orthotics are clear, and they can be especially sweet when you’re getting ready to head out to collect candy with the kids.
The Scary Health Effects of Sugar
Halloween is just around the corner, and that can only mean one thing: leftover treats after all the trick-or-treaters have gone home. Whether it’s those king-sized candy bars that make you the top spot for ghouls and goblins in your neighborhood or all the Thanksgiving desserts to come, October is a great time to start thinking about healthy eating habits. Once you consider some of the truly frightful health effects of sugar, you’ll have even more reasons to want to decrease sugar intake.
How Massage Decreases Chemical Stress
You know the effects of stress can severely hinder your motivation, focus, and mood. But did you know that stress is as much caused by things happening inside your body as it is by outside stimuli? One of the benefits of massage is chemical stress management, which can help reduce your anxiety symptoms and keep you feeling better even after a hard day at the office.
The Magic of Chiropractic for Pain
The return of autumn and the Halloween season may have you thinking of spells and incantations spoken by witches around a bubbling cauldron. But the magic of chiropractic for pain is no work of fantastical fiction. The benefits of chiropractic as a form of natural pain relief are very real, and they can help get you back up and soaring this fall and beyond.
Can Kennedy Decompression Help You?
Chiropractic care is an excellent way to manage acute and chronic pain without medication. There are multiple adjustment techniques that your chiropractor can recommend, including the Kennedy Decompression Technique. This form of spiral decompression therapy has been proven effective against back and neck pain and is practiced by thousands of chiropractors the world over—including Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA.
Synthetic vs. Whole Food Supplements
The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy
Chiropractic's 5 Pillars of Health
You can't achieve real health from the outside in. You have to do it from the inside out! Our chiropractors and massage therapists are not healing you during an adjustment or a massage. Instead, your body is healing itself. Our job is to remove barriers to healing so your body can heal. Wellness is about self-development, mindfulness, and living by healthy principles. To help you understand this process, Healthy Life Chiropractic uses five pillars of health that we believe to be the key ingredients to achieving optimal wellness and spinal health. Check them out!
The Benefits of Chiropractic for Athletes
It is common for athletes to suffer sports injuries because they put their bodies through more than usual. Prescription drugs slow down reaction times, are addictive, and can only mask the pain of injuries. In contrast, undergoing surgery can leave an athlete sidelined for several months. As a result, many athletes seek chiropractic treatment after suffering a sports injury. Here's how chiropractic for athletes can improve athletic performance and prevent injuries.
Triad Aer V3: The Best Air Purifier
Are you looking for the best air purifier for your home? We are pleased to introduce the Triad Aer V3! Triad Aer is the best air purifier to combat allergies and does not require replacement filters, among the top sellers at U.S. medical shows. Discover why it's the best option for eliminating indoor pollution.
The Effects of Eating Healthy
Do you know the link between nutrition and mental health? A healthy diet can significantly benefit your physical, mental, and social well-being. Typically, such a diet emphasizes nutrients in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and fish. Furthermore, it provides enough calories without being excessive, as well as provides enjoyment. Discover the effects of eating healthy for overall wellness—physical, social, and mental.
Massage Therapy for Athletes
Chiropractic for Student-Athletes
School will be back in session soon, and activities will begin. What is one of the most popular school activities? Sports! As soon as kids reach middle school, they have the option of choosing from a variety of sports. If your kids play sports, you may worry about their health. You can help your student athlete stay healthy by doing a few things besides getting them to practice. Learn how chiropractic for student-athletes helps avoid sports injuries and boosts wellness.
Multi Radiance Laser: What is it?
We at Healthy Life Chiropractic realize that you might be concerned about how effective holistic treatments are. This is why we do the research for you and recommend the best treatment options that deliver results. For example, Multi Radient's super pulsed laser is used for chiropractic laser therapy. Learn what cold laser therapy is, why you need it, and how it will help you.
Immune Boosting Supplements for Back-to-School!
It's back to school time! As a result, students and teachers in your household may bring a lot more than homework home. The "back-to-school plague" is a term that many parents use to describe the early months of school being rife with illness. Fortunately, there are several ways to ward off illness. First, prepare for back to school with immune-boosting supplements. Find out how to boost the immune system and avoid getting sick using Health Response Testing.
How Massage Therapy Benefits Students
The benefits of massage therapy extend beyond adults. A licensed professional can perform massages starting as early as infancy. Stress, mood, and behavioral problems can all be improved with massage therapy for kids. For this reason, the benefits of massage therapy are helpful for students returning to school. Discover how massage therapy can provide stress relief and improve focus.
"Very pleased with the practice. The service is excellent and everyone seems to truly care about you as a person first. Most businesses see customers or money walking in, but these practitioners love what they do. It shows."
- Patty Uzar